As a micro optics device, the inline polarizer is used to convert un-polarized light into polarized light with a high extinction ratio. Also, it is used to enhance the extinction ratio of signals. It offers low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, high return loss, and excellent stability and reliability, ideal for high-speed communication systems and test instrumentation applications.

The inline polarizer is designed in such a way that it passes light with one specific polarization while blocking the other polarization

Key features of inline polarizers

Compact size– One of the biggest problems that people face when using devices for high-speed communication systems and test instrumentation applications is their size. Sometimes, they fail to fit the devices as they are smaller or bigger than required. But, with inline polarizers, this is not an issue, whether you are using 630nm, 780nm, 850nm, or 980nm inline polarizers.

The size of the inline polarizers is compact. You can fit them easily in the systems and applications and get good results.

Low insertion loss– Measured in decibels (dB), the insertion loss is the loss of power whenever a signal travels through a communication component or system. Power loss happens due to several reasons.

In inline polarizers, the insertion loss is low, meaning the loss of power when the signal travels are reduced. This ensures better performance of the communication system.

High extinction ratio– Simply defined, the extinction ratio is the ratio of two optical power levels of a digital signal that is generated by an optical source. In other words, the extinction ratio describes how efficiently the electrical power is converted to optical power.

Regarding inline polarizers, the extinction ratio is high, meaning the conversion of electrical power to optical power is highly efficient.

Excellent stability and reliability– Stability matters in the devices used in a communication system or other applications. This feature along with reliability decides the functioning and performance of the device.

Inline polarizers are stable as well as reliable. You can use them undoubtedly and expect good results. The established communication will be smooth and best for all.

Does the center wavelength of the inline polarizers determine their work capability?

Not exactly. As already mentioned above, features are the same for all the inline polarizers. There won’t be any huge difference, whether you use 630nm, 850nm, or 980 inline polarizers.

The difference in the performance of the inline polarizers is not noticeable. You just have to pick the one based on your requirements and not on how they will work in different scenarios.

What are the other applications where inline polarizers are used?

Telecommunication is the major area where inline polarizers are used. Other than this, the polarizers are used in fiber lasers, fiber amplifiers, and fiber sensors. The thing is you should know the right way to use them in different applications.

If you want to buy 980nm inline polarizers or polarizers with different wavelengths, contact DK Photonics.